Danny Thorbjørn Wilkins

My journal. My corner of the Internet.




Bob Ross in Two Media

Published: August 8, 2021


I have a tendency to want to try as many new skills and hobbies as possible, and two new hobbies are oil painting and digital painting. I've done a couple of oil paintings and a bit of photoshop before but I'm definitely a beginner in both of these skills so I bought a load of oil paint, hit play on Bob Ross, and painted a few oil paintings. It's pretty fun, and I'd recommend it even if you can't paint (my first one was awful, the trees were purple and the sky was green...).

Then by chance, after deciding I wanted to give the digital painting tool Krita a go, I stumbled across a tutorial for one of the Bob Ross paintings I'd done! It seemed like too good a learning opportunity not to.

Bob Ross oil painting and digital painting

I'm reasonably happy with how they turned out. There are some good parts and some bads parts I think, but in the early days of a new skill that's where the fun is for me. Something previously unfamiliar starts to take shape, ideas come together, and I begin to develop an understanding (as well as even more respect for artists).

Previous: Welcome to my Website!

Next: Dedication to the Craft

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About Danny

Software engineer from the UK. Creative nerd determined to learn and explore life.



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© Danny Thorbjørn Wilkins
